(Guitar) Strings Attached: From UTF-8 to EADGBE • Hannes Lowette • GOTO 2023

Discover how Hannes Lowette combines his passions for guitar building and software development, highlighting the importance of attention to detail, self-care, and community in both endeavors.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker Hannes Lowette uses guitar building as a hobby and finds similarities between it and software development.
  • In both guitar building and software development, attention to detail and precision are crucial.
  • Just as a small mistake in guitar building can affect the sound of the instrument, a small mistake in software development can have significant consequences.
  • The speaker values knowledge and experience gained from both hobbies and uses them to improve his skills in the other field.
  • Hannes Lowette emphasizes the importance of taking breaks and self-care, citing his own experience with burnout and the importance of making time for himself.
  • He also shares his experience with giveaways and sharing his knowledge with others.
  • The speaker recommends being adaptable and willing to learn from mistakes, just as he does in guitar building and software development.
  • The speaker also shares his experience of using analog pedals and messing around with guitar settings to get different sounds.
  • Hannes Lowette believes that both guitar building and software development require patience and dedication.
  • The speaker’s experience with woodworking is also highlighted, where the importance of proper tooling and technique is emphasized.
  • Hananis’s favorite tool is a scary sharp system, which he uses to make his guitars.
  • He also recommends using previews and simulations to test and refine his guitar designs.
  • The speaker highlights the importance of community and sharing knowledge, citing his involvement in online forums and his preference for guitars made by individual craftsmen.