Habeeb Shopeju - Martial Arts Meets Machine Learning: Recognizing Judo Throws with MMAction2

Learn how machine learning and action recognition come together in a innovative project recognizing judo throws with MMAction2, using the `mm-action` library, `TSN` model, and data augmentation techniques.

Key takeaways
  • The project aims to recognize judo throws using machine learning and action recognition.
  • The data set is in ANM file format, which contains a text file that defines the actions.
  • The mm-action library is used to develop the model, which supports various image and video formats.
  • The TSN model is used, which is a 3D convolutional network that processes video data in both spatial and temporal domains.
  • Data augmentation is used to increase the diversity of the training data, including random cropping, flipping, and color jittering.
  • The model is trained using a custom config file, which defines the hyperparameters and training parameters.
  • The model is evaluated using a validation set, and the best-performing model is selected based on the validation loss.
  • The model is then used to perform action recognition on new, unseen videos.
  • The project uses the OpenPose library to extract pose information from the video frames.
  • The project also uses the pytorch library to develop the model and perform training and inference.
  • The project is a personal project developed by the author, who is a research engineer at the Thompson Reuters Lab.