An Introduction to Natural Language Generation

Discover the basics of natural language generation, from understanding input to generating text, and explore the role of attention mechanisms and pre-trained language models in modern systems.

Key takeaways
  • Natural language generation (NLG) is a process that involves numerous steps, including understanding the input, planning the content, and finally generating the text.
  • The process of NLG is often divided into four main steps: understanding, planning, realization, and generation.
  • Understanding involves processing the input and extracting relevant information, while planning involves determining the overall structure and content of the text.
  • Realization is the process of generating the actual text, while generation is the final step of producing the output text.
  • Attention mechanism is a crucial component in deep learning-based NLG systems, allowing the model to focus on specific parts of the input and weigh their importance.
  • Pre-trained language models like GPT can be used for NLG, but require additional fine-tuning for specific applications.
  • The use of attention mechanism allows the model to pay attention to specific parts of the input, which can lead to more accurate and informative output.
  • NLG systems can be used for various applications, including text summarization, chatbots, and language translation.
  • The process of NLG is often difficult to understand, as modern deep learning-based systems use complex neural networks and attention mechanisms.
  • Fine-tuning pre-trained language models can be a complex and challenging process.
  • NLG systems are often used for generating text in specific styles or domains, such as scientific writing or marketing copy.
  • The lack of control over the content and style of the generated text is a major drawback of modern NLG systems.
  • The use of pre-trained language models can lead to better results, but also reduces the control over the generated text.