So You’ll be Working With (women or other under-represented groups) Other People! — Renee Phillips

Learn how to create a more inclusive workspace by embracing uncertainty, communicating openly, and prioritizing diversity and equity with speaker Renee Phillips.

Key takeaways
  • Welcome and inclusion are essential in creating a sense of belonging and community.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them, and embracing uncertainty can lead to growth.
  • When working with others, it’s essential to communicate openly and respectfully.
  • Inclusive spaces encourage creativity, productivity, and better problem-solving.
  • Generosity and sharing knowledge can go a long way in supporting others.
  • It’s crucial to address and alleviate extra, invisible work that underrepresented groups often undertake.
  • Employers should prioritize hiring a diverse range of employees and create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.
  • It’s important to listen to and amplify underrepresented voices to create a fairer and more just society.
  • Open communication, respect, and empathy are vital in creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their concerns.
  • It’s essential to be willing to receive feedback and criticism, and to prioritize growth and self-improvement.
  • Inclusive environments encourage people to take risks, speak up, and contribute their ideas.
  • CEOs and leaders should prioritize diversity and inclusion, and take concrete steps to create a more inclusive culture.
  • It’s important to address and dismantle systems of oppression, and to create a culture of equity and justice.
  • Providing accessible and inclusive spaces, such as bathrooms and meeting rooms, is crucial for creating an inclusive environment.
  • Embracing and celebrating diversity can lead to more innovative and creative solutions.
  • Employers should provide resources and support for underrepresented groups, such as mentorship and training programs.
  • It’s essential to recognize and acknowledge the challenges that underrepresented groups face, and to prioritize creating a more inclusive and equitable society.