Leonardo Giordani - Clean Architectures in Python

Discover the principles of Clean Architecture, a concept that transforms software development, separating business logic from the system, with a focus on testing, clear communication, and simplicity.

Key takeaways
  • Clean Architecture is not just about Python, but a concept that applies to software development in general.
  • The author defines architecture as a set of principles that help create software that is durable, useful, and beautiful.
  • There is no single definition of architecture, but it’s often associated with the technical side of software development.
  • Clean Architecture is a way to structure software in order to separate business logic from the rest of the system.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of testing in software development.
  • He also highlights the need for clear communication about requirements and the resulting system.
  • The author defines business logic as the most important part of a system, and suggests that it should be decoupled from other components.
  • The Clean Architecture has four layers: entities, use cases, gateways, and external interfaces.
  • The author believes that architecture is not just about technical skills, but also about artistic and scientific components.
  • He suggests that software development is a mix of art and science.
  • The author also highlights the importance of simplicity and elegance in software development.