DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Lightning talks

Prepare for the unknown at DjangoCon Europe 2023, featuring talks, sprints, and workshops in Vigo, Spain, and discover how teamwork and communication bring success.

Key takeaways
  • Always be prepared for the unknown and have a failsafe plan in place.
  • Communication is key, and a solid option is to use pure JavaScript without relying on jQuery.
  • The DjangoCon Europe 2023 conference will have three tracks: general, PyData, and beginner track.
  • The conference will also feature a sprint day, followed by a workshop on public speaking.
  • The PSF board has three open positions: technical advisor, diversity and inclusion advisor, and communications director.
  • The DjangoCon Europe 2023 conference will have a drink and dinner social event.
  • The conference will also have a photo taken with a flag representing the country.
  • Not all Europeans are familiar with Python.
  • The world is always in a state of flux, and Python is no exception.
  • Volunteers are the backbone of the DjangoCon Europe 2023 conference and the PSF.
  • DjangoCon Europe 2023 will be held in Vigo, Spain, in 2024.
  • The DjangoCon Europe 2023 conference will have three days of talks and two days of sprints.
  • Immediately sharing knowledge with others helps create a supportive community.
  • Machine karaoke is a type of karaoke that uses a computer to play music, whereas live band karaoke has a rock band playing music.
  • Wise leaders understand that kindness is important, especially when delivering bad news.
  • Immediate action helps gain respect in any situation, especially when giving instructions.
  • Trust is an essential element in any situation, even in the sports world.
  • Failure to deliver expected results can be frustrating, but it’s essential to learn from the experience.
  • PyCon organizer worked hard to make the conference accessible to everyone.
  • Refreshing and resetting the code helps maintain sanity in coding.
  • Team members’ attention to detail and ability to work in silence helps ensure success.