RailsConf 2023 - Upgrading the Ruby Community by Pat Allan

Join Pat Allan as they explore ways to create a more inclusive and just Ruby community by acknowledging systemic issues, amplifying marginalized voices, and taking collective action towards positive change.

Key takeaways
  • Consistently acknowledge and work towards addressing systemic issues and injustices, such as racism, sexism, and ableism, within the Ruby community.
  • Recognizing that listening to and supporting marginalized groups is crucial in creating positive change.
  • Emphasize the importance of acting in solidarity and taking collective actions against systemic issues.
  • Encourage self-reflection and awareness of personal biases and privileges.
  • Highlight the value of open communication and creating a safe space for discussions about sensitive topics.
  • Discuss the need to support marginalized groups, including through donating to community groups and attending events like RailsConf.
  • Encourage unionization and supporting workers’ rights, recognizing that individuals cannot change systemic issues alone.
  • Note that there are no easy solutions, but encourage ongoing efforts and conversations about how to improve the community.
  • Suggest considering ways to offset the negative impacts of companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.
  • Encourage continuous learning, awareness, and active movement towards change.
  • Acknowledge the ongoing impact of pandemics and recognize the importance of supporting workers’ rights and addressing systemic issues.