DPC2023: Internships - MBO / medium level education

Discover the benefits of working with medium-level education interns and learn how to overcome biases, provide effective training, and foster growth and development.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering medium-level education interns, as they are often overlooked due to factors such as lack of experience and technical skills.
  • Medium-level education interns are motivated to learn and work hard, but may struggle with confidence and self-doubt.
  • The speaker shares their own experience working with interns and the challenges they faced, including having to overcome their own biases and assumptions.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of clean coding and pair programming in training interns, as it helps them learn and grow as developers.
  • The speaker also highlights the importance of testing and feedback in the development process, and how it helps identify and fix errors.
  • The speaker notes that interns may struggle with their own preconceptions and biases, and how this can impact their work.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of patience, understanding, and empathy when working with interns.
  • The speaker shares their own learning points from their experience working with interns, including the importance of humility, creativity, and resilience.
  • The speaker emphasizes that success is not just about individual talent or ability, but also about the right environment, support, and opportunities.
  • The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of considering medium-level education interns and providing them with the right support and opportunities to grow as developers.