What the Soviet Space Program Taught Me About Digital Product Development - Dean Schuster

Learn from the Soviet Space Program's bold approach to digital product development, where speed often trumped quality, and explore the lessons that can be applied to modern product development.

Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • The Soviet Space Program was known for its emphasis on speed and achievement, often prioritizing speed over quality.
  • The program was driven by Korolev, who was obsessed with winning the space race and achieving milestones quickly.
  • The Soviet Union’s approach to space development was often criticized for its lack of focus on quality and attention to detail.
  • The American space program, on the other hand, prioritized quality and attention to detail, and was more skeptical of rushing into new projects.
  • Speed can sometimes lead to reckless decisions and a focus on quantity over quality.
  • The opposite of speed is not slow, but rather pace and cadence.
  • Organizations and individuals can learn from the Soviet Space Program’s approach to speed and achievement.
  • The importance of prioritizing quality and attention to detail in digital product development.
  • It’s okay to say no to a project or idea if it’s not ready or if it’s not feasible.
  • Developing products that are exaggerated or not totally true can be problematic.