LeadDev San Francisco 2022 Smruti Patel

Developing a culture that prioritizes competence, autonomy, and purpose to drive engineering velocity, and empowered teams to deliver value to users while making data-driven decisions.

Key takeaways
  • Develop a culture that prioritizes competence, autonomy, and purpose to drive engineering velocity.
  • Measure speed by the frequency of deployments to production.
  • Make decisions based on data-driven analysis, and avoid trading expediency for quality.
  • Identify and address systemic issues, such as complexity and technical debt, to improve velocity.
  • Focus on delivering value to users, and prioritize features that provide the most bang for the buck.
  • Empower teams to make autonomous decisions and take ownership of their work.
  • Debug engineering velocity by analyzing the planning, execution, and delivery phases of software development.
  • Identify and prioritize the right problems to solve, and be willing to say no to non-essential projects.
  • Drive focus, iteration, and quality through early rigorous testing and prioritization of user cohorts.
  • Establish clear goals and objectives, and track progress to maintain momentum.
  • Encourage experimentation, and learn from failures to improve velocity and quality.
  • Provide support and resources to teams to enable them to succeed.
  • Prioritize user feedback and iterate on products and features to improve user experience.
  • Manage technical debt aggressively to reduce complexity and improve velocity.
  • Use metrics to track progress and make data-driven decisions.
  • Identify and address systemic issues, such as complexity and technical debt, to improve velocity.
  • Foster a culture of accountability and ownership among team members.
  • Set ambitious targets and goals to drive velocity and quality.
  • Debug engineering velocity by analyzing the planning, execution, and delivery phases of software development.
  • Prioritize features that provide the most value to users, and iterate based on feedback.
  • Manage complexity by grouping units of work logically, and prioritizing features based on business value.
  • Encourage experimentation and learning from failures to improve velocity and quality.
  • Prioritize user feedback and iterate on products and features to improve user experience.
  • Manage technical debt aggressively to reduce complexity and improve velocity.