Henrietta Dombrovskaya, Teresa Giacomini: So you want a PGDay in your city (PGConf.EU 2023)

Learn the secrets of organizing a successful PostgreSQL conference, from building a community to managing finances and logistics, back to a great team dynamic.

Key takeaways
  • Why you want a PG Day in your city: PGDays are a great way to build a community, it’s a way to bring people together and create a positive environment.
  • Getting sponsorship: Sponsorship is one of the most difficult things to do, but it’s important to have a clear proposal and be prepared to communicate with potential sponsors.
  • Importance of planning: Planning is essential for a successful PGDay, it’s necessary to create a budget, define roles and responsibilities, and have a clear idea of what you want to achieve.
  • Consensus is key: Consensus is important when working with a team, it takes time but it’s necessary to make sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Be ready for surprises: Surprises will happen, it’s important to be flexible and adapt to changes.
  • Choose a date wisely: The date of the event is crucial, it’s important to choose a date that works for the community and the venue.
  • Catering options: Catering options are important, it’s necessary to consider the dietary restrictions and preferences of the attendees.
  • Importance of communication: Communication is key, it’s necessary to keep the team and the attendees informed throughout the process.
  • Volunteers are essential: Volunteers are the lifeblood of a PGDay, they help with every aspect of the event.
  • Budgeting: Budgeting is important, it’s necessary to create a budget and stick to it to avoid last-minute surprises.
  • Out-of-town speakers: Out-of-town speakers can be a challenge, it’s necessary to work with the Postgres Association to ensure that all logistics are taken care of.
  • Merchandise: Merchandise is a great way to promote the event and raise funds, it’s important to have a clear plan in place.
  • Recordings: Recordings are important, they allow attendees to review the talks and share them with others.
  • Teamwork: Teamwork is essential, it’s necessary to work together with the team to make the event a success.
  • Communication with attendees: Communication with attendees is important, it’s necessary to keep them informed throughout the process.
  • Creating a CFP: Creating a CFP is essential, it’s necessary to have a clear plan in place for the talks.
  • Promoting the event: Promoting the event is crucial, it’s necessary to use social media, email, and other channels to promote the event.
  • Event structure: The event structure is important, it’s necessary to define the format and schedule of the event.
  • Venue: The venue is important, it’s necessary to choose a venue that works for the event and the attendees.
  • Catering: Catering is important, it’s necessary to consider the dietary restrictions and preferences of the attendees.
  • Logistics: Logistics are important, it’s necessary to consider the logistics of the event and make sure that everything is taken care of.
  • Funding: Funding is important, it’s necessary to secure funding for the event and make sure that it’s used wisely.
  • Team dynamics: Team dynamics are important, it’s necessary to work together as a team to make the event a success.
  • Volunteers: Volunteers are essential, they help with every aspect of the event.
  • Communication: Communication is key, it’s necessary to keep the team and the attendees informed throughout the process.
  • Planning: Planning is essential, it’s necessary to create a plan and stick to it to avoid last-minute surprises.