Hosting and DevOps for Django with Benjamin "Zags" Zagorsky

Discover the secrets to seamless hosting and DevOps for Django applications with expert Benjamin "Zags" Zagorsky. Learn best practices for environment variables, load balancers, infrastructure setup, and more.

Key takeaways
  • When deploying to a particular Git branch, consider application load balancers and database URL options for configurable settings.
  • Use environment variables for pluggable settings on servers.
  • To set up a service in ECS, define the infrastructure, create a Docker image, and then make a service in ECS.
  • Consider using managed container services like Amazon ECS or Kubernetes for scalability and reliability.
  • Use a task framework to automate task execution and error handling.
  • Configure automated backups and scaling for storage.
  • Use a secret manager to store sensitive data securely.
  • Set up a load balancer to distribute traffic across multiple servers.
  • Use a reverse proxy like Apache or Nginx to add extra security and caching.
  • Consider using a platform as a service like Elastic Beanstalk to simplify deployment and management.
  • Use Terraform to define and manage infrastructure configurations.
  • Set up automated deployments for faster and more reliable updates.
  • Use a deployment strategy like rolling updates to minimize downtime.
  • Consider using a cloud provider’s managed services like AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions for serverless computing.
  • Use a database migration tool like Django’s built-in migration system to manage schema changes.
  • Set up automated backups and scaling for databases.
  • Use a CI/CD pipeline to automate testing, building, and deployment of code.