How self-custody & centralized crypto infrastructure can co-exist in web3

Discover how self-custody and centralized crypto infrastructure coexist in web3, highlighting hybrid approaches, regulatory compliance, and education for secure solutions.

Key takeaways
  • Hybrid approach is key to coexistence of self-custody and centralized crypto infrastructure.
  • Both options are secure, and institutions and individuals have different needs.
  • Custody solutions can be regulatory-compliant, and providers should focus on ease of use and risk management.
  • Different regulations apply in different regions, and it’s important to understand these variations.
  • Education is crucial for users, and institutions are increasingly adopting hybrid approaches.
  • Institutions are driven by the need for secure and compliant solutions, while individuals are seeking control over their assets.
  • MPC and HSM are different technologies with different use cases.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and providers should focus on offering flexibility and choice.
  • Custody solutions can be integrated with trading and payment systems.
  • The industry is moving towards standardization, and regulators are still developing rules.
  • Education is essential for users, and institutions are increasingly adopting hybrid approaches.
  • Individuals want control over their assets, while institutions are seeking secure and compliant solutions.
  • Providers should focus on ease of use, risk management, and regulatory compliance.
  • The industry is still evolving, and standards will be developed over time.