How to Craft a Story to Stand Out and Win

Craft a story to stand out and win with this expert guide on creating a sales pitch that answers the key question: "Why should a prospect choose you over the competition?"

Key takeaways
  • A sales pitch should start with a setup piece to establish the company’s differentiated value.
  • The setup piece is where the positioning is done, and it should be done with prospects, not existing customers.
  • The goal of the sales pitch is to answer the question “Why should a prospect choose you over the competition?”
  • A good sales pitch should be concise and get to the point quickly, focusing on the differentiated value and the features that enable it.
  • Discovery should be a two-way process between the rep and the customer, and it should be woven into the narrative of the pitch.
  • The sales pitch should be designed to test the positioning with qualified prospects, not existing customers.
  • A good sales pitch should have a clear call to action and a clear understanding of who the ideal customer is.
  • The sales pitch should be continuously tested and refined to ensure it is effective.
  • The positioning of a company and its product is critical to its success, and it should be regularly evaluated and refined.
  • A good sales pitch should be able to answer the question “Why should I choose you over the other options?”