The Top Growth Pitfalls That You Aren't Expecting | Asia Orangio, Founder & CEO, DemandMaven

Discover the top unexpected growth pitfalls that can sabotage SaaS companies, and learn how to overcome them by establishing the right processes, tracking the right metrics, and focusing on controllables.

Key takeaways
  • Embrace processes to streamline growth and avoid chaos.
  • Founders often struggle with internalizing and executing data analysis.
  • Escaping the build trap by focusing on value delivery and invoicing.
  • Growth pitfalls include lack of discipline, poor product management, and no KPIs.
  • Leading indicators should be tracked, whereas lagging indicators may be misleading.
  • Understand the customer’s value delivery to drive product direction.
  • Measuring growth requires setting up the right processes.
  • CEOs may struggle to focus on controllables during uncertain times.
  • The top growth pitfalls in SaaS companies are often unforeseen.
  • Focusing on value delivery and controlling controllables is key to success.
  • Companies need discipline and process to execute growth strategies.
  • Effective growth requires a holistic approach, including marketing, activation, and retention.
  • Founders should prioritize setting KPIs and tracking leading indicators.
  • CEOs should focus on controlling the controllables to navigate uncertain times.
  • Processes should be established to streamline growth and execution.
  • Tracking KPIs and setting up the right processes is crucial for growth.
  • Understanding customer value delivery is vital for product direction.
  • Poor product management can hinder growth.
  • Leading indicators can help identify growth opportunities.