How to Prevent Your Kubernetes Cluster From Being Hacked | Nico Meisenzahl

Prevent your Kubernetes cluster from being hacked by implementing security measures throughout the DevOps lifecycle, including code testing, vulnerability scanning, and secure deployment practices.

Key takeaways
  • The majority of Kubernetes clusters (60%) have been compromised, and the number of security incidents has increased over the past 12 months.
  • Weaknesses in Dockerfiles, vulnerabilities in dependencies, and misconfigured Kubernetes policies are common entry points for attackers.
  • ePPF (Embedded Platform Protection Framework) is a tool that helps secure the software supply chain by providing an initial package freeze and code signing.
  • Tetragon is a tool that provides a secure way to build and run containerized workloads, using a distroless Linux environment and code signing.
  • Chainguard’s Wolfie is an open-source tool that provides software bill of materials (SBOM) and allows for signing and validation of images.
  • To prevent clusters from being hacked, it’s essential to implement security measures throughout the DevOps lifecycle, including code testing, vulnerability scanning, and secure deployment practices.
  • Image verification, code signing, and Kubernetes policy management are critical components of a comprehensive security strategy.
  • The importance of shifting left and integrating security into the development process cannot be overstated.
  • Considering the tooling available, such as Milosh, Epico, Cosine, and Kripe, can greatly simplify the process of building and securing containerized applications.