"How to transfer Clojure goodness to other languages" by Elango Cheran and Timothy Pratley

Transfer key concepts from Clojure to other languages, leveraging Kala's transpiler for Rust and exploring the benefits of immutability and formal methods.

Key takeaways
  • Kala, a Clojure transpiler, faces complex challenges due to meta expressions, term rewriting, and declarative rules.
  • Immutable data structures are a key concept in Clojure, and languages like Rust and JavaScript can benefit from similar designs.
  • Complexity can overwhelm even simple ideas, but breaking them down into smaller pieces can make them manageable.
  • A Clojure-to-Rust transpiler can be implemented using Meander and Nanopass.
  • Formal methods and type systems can provide extra confidence in code quality.
  • Closure’s syntax and typing system are unique and can be challenging to transpile.
  • The choice of programming language depends on the environment and requirements.
  • Kala’s AST representation allows for incremental transformations and reuse of code.
  • The Meander library enables declarative rule-based data transformation.
  • Immutable and persistent data structures are important for performance and correct functionality.
  • Complex languages can be represented using simpler constructs, making it easier to understand and work with them.
  • Type propagation and inference can simplify code and improve performance.
  • The choice of language affects the approach to solving problems, and languages with different design goals may not be directly comparable.
  • Kala’s design aimed to make it easy to add new transformations and languages.
  • The benefits of Clojure’s design principles, such as immutability and persistent data structures, can be applied to other languages.
  • The complexity of a problem can be reduced by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces.