How would you regulate crypto instead of the Regulators?

Discover the challenges of regulating crypto in Switzerland, from sandboxing and tax breaks to the limitations of decentralized approaches, and find out how the industry is pushing for change in the complex regulatory landscape.

Key takeaways
  • The EU wants to create more sandboxes for blockchain, and there is a potential for tax breaks for entrepreneurs and companies that come to Switzerland.
  • The Swiss regulatory system is too complex and based on centralized control, and there is a need for more flexibility and adaptation.
  • The industry is pushing for change, but the regulatory working group’s proposals have not yet been successful.
  • The use of qualified electronic signatures is still limited in Switzerland, and it is difficult to implement for small companies.
  • The one-to-one ratio for stablecoins is a problem, as it is not feasible for small companies.
  • The EU has stricter requirements for individuals compared to Switzerland, making it difficult for companies to operate in both markets.
  • The decentralized approach to crypto and blockchain is still not well understood by regulators, and there is a need for education and awareness.
  • Switzerland is not as progressive as it claims to be, and there is a need for change in the regulatory system.
  • There are more efficient ways to onboard users, but the Swiss regulator is resistant to change.
  • The use of stablecoins CHF is limited, and there is a need for guidance from the FINMA.
  • The SECO and other authorities are not active in the blockchain industry, and there is a need for them to catch up with the market.
  • The regulators are representatives of the established power centers, and it is difficult to expect fair regulation from them.
  • There is a need for more sandboxes and testing grounds for blockchain and crypto, and for more flexibility in the regulatory system.
  • The use of ZK knowledge proofs and other technologies is still in its early stages, and there is a need for more research and development in this area.