Improving Interoperability Across Applications by Setting Technical Standards | #LDNBlockchain23

Technical standards can improve interoperability across applications and industries, overcoming the fragmented nature of blockchain and digital transformation, driving efficiency and competition.

Key takeaways
  • Technical standards can improve interoperability across applications and industries.
  • Setting standards is a unique way to overcome the fragmented nature of the blockchain and digital transformation landscape.
  • The speaker highlights the importance of establishing standards bodies, such as the TSC (Technical Standards Committee), to facilitate communication and collaboration.
  • The speaker also emphasizes the need for a clear definition of standards and the importance of documentation.
  • The TSC has already achieved some significant milestones, such as developing a standards framework and involving various stakeholders.
  • However, more work needs to be done to address cryptography, interoperability, and scalability concerns.
  • Setting standards can help to create a more efficient and competitive market for blockchain and digital transformation solutions.
  • The speaker acknowledges that setting standards can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is essential for the long-term success of the industry.
  • Standards can help to address issues related to security, scalability, and usability, and provide a foundation for further innovation.