Java Renaissance • Georges Saab • YOW! 2023

Java developers can benefit from upgrading to newer Java versions, which offer significant improvements in concurrency, garbage collection, and thread-local variables, and adopt modern features and tooling for simplicity, clarity, and maintainability.

Key takeaways
  • Java developers often stay stuck with Java 8, citing it as “all we need”.
  • There are good reasons for this, particularly the features and improvements made in Java 8.
  • The Java ecosystem has moved forward, with newer versions offering significant improvements, such as concurrency, garbage collection, and thread-local variables.
  • Virtual threads are a key innovation, providing a lighter, more scalable alternative to traditional threads.
  • Loom, a project aiming to make Java concurrency more efficient and scalable, is compatible with existing code and does not require new APIs.
  • The Java language and platform have evolved, with a focus on incremental improvements and backwards compatibility.
  • The Oracle JDK is built on a large code base, and smaller changes can be difficult to achieve.
  • There is no single “right” way to design a programming language, and trade-offs must be made.
  • Java aims to be a general-purpose language, suitable for a wide range of applications and programming styles.
  • The Java community should focus on adopting and using the latest language features and tooling, such as Project Loom and Virtual Threads.
  • Educators and developers should aim to teach and use modern Java, emphasizing simplicity, clarity, and maintainability.
  • The rapid pace of innovation in the Java ecosystem makes it essential to stay up-to-date and adapt to new features and improvements.