Jump to Hyperspace: Light Speed, User Agency & Moving Past the Cloud • Brooklyn Zelenka • YOW! 2023

Explore the shift from traditional cloud computing to Local First Software, prioritizing user agency, scalability, and personalization while addressing ecosystem fragmentation and uneven data distribution.

Key takeaways
  • Key points:
    • Traditional cloud computing is centralized and impersonal, while Local First Software aims for scale, user agency, and personalization.
    • The current cloud infrastructure is flawed, with ecosystem fragmentation, scaling issues, and uneven data distribution.
    • We need a change in how we approach software development, focusing on locality, durability, and consistency.
    • Local First Software is about removing intermediaries, decentralizing, and giving users control over their data.
    • Ideal futures include:
      • Consistency, coordination-free, distributed implementation
      • Universal scaling law
      • No dependence on intermediate services
    • The need for consistent, reproducible, and secure data storage and computation
    • Local First Software can help us move away from relying on cloud infrastructure and data centers