Ken Wheeler - Getting down to brass tacks: Using chrome dev tools to level up your applications

Learn how to leverage Chrome Dev Tools to optimize and debug your application's performance, from identifying memory leaks and optimizing rendering and painting, to visualizing CPU usage and more.

Key takeaways
  • Chrome Dev Tools is the best dev tooling he’s ever seen.
  • The Performance panel is a powerful tool for debugging performance issues.
  • Rendering and painting can be optimized using the Chrome Dev Tools.
  • Memory leaks are a common issue and can be identified using the Chrome Dev Tools.
  • Console Trace is a useful tool for debugging issues.
  • The Realtime Performance Monitor is a great tool for monitoring heap size, CPU, and DOM nodes.
  • The Flame Chart is a useful tool for visualizing CPU usage.
  • The Chrome Dev Tools has a lot of hidden features and tricks that can be used to debug and optimize performance issues.
  • Using the Chrome Dev Tools, you can simulate a memory leak and see how it affects the performance of your site.
  • The Chrome Dev Tools can help you identify and fix performance issues.
  • The best way to debug performance issues is to measure them using the Chrome Dev Tools.