LeadDev Broadcasts - Tackling the build vs buy conundrum

Prioritize understanding domain boundaries, requirements, and cost structures when tackling the build vs buy conundrum, and evaluate the value of products, potential long-term costs, and intangible costs to make informed decisions.

Key takeaways
  • When considering the build or buy debate, prioritize understanding domain boundaries, requirements, and cost structures.
  • A clear interface is crucial in distinguishing between in-house development and vendor products.
  • Evaluate whether a product’s value lies in its uniqueness or can be replicated with an off-the-shelf solution.
  • Be wary of vendor lock-in and evaluate potential long-term costs.
  • Establish a clear line between in-house development and hardware procurement.
  • Company culture, maturity, and scalability can influence the decision-making process.
  • Effective communication and collaboration between teams are vital.
  • Quantify the cost of building and buying to make informed decisions.
  • Prioritize cost per million over the cost of ownership.
  • Consider the intangible costs of time, effort, and resources when evaluating the build or buy debate.