🚀 Lean Code (Kevlin Henney)

Discover the principles of Lean Code, where technical debt is managed and software is designed to deliver value to customers, with a focus on velocity, sustainability, and customer needs.

Key takeaways
  • Technical debt is not just writing code that is not stable, but also does not deliver the expected value.
  • Lean code is about creating a system that is useful, stable, and maintainable, and that delivers value to the customer.
  • The value of Lean code is not just about writing good code, but also about understanding the problem and the customer’s needs.
  • In software development, velocity is more important than speed, as it takes into account the ability to deliver working software in a sustainable way.
  • The idea of sustainable development is about creating a system that is maintainable and can be built upon over time.
  • Dead code has no value, and should be removed to make the system more maintainable and efficient.
  • The concept of technical debt is not just limited to coding, but also to the organizational and business side of software development.
  • The idea of Lean code is not just about cutting corners, but about creating a system that is efficient, effective, and delivers value to the customer.
  • The key to Lean code is to focus on the value that the software delivers, rather than just on the technical aspects of the code.
  • Technical debt is a natural part of software development, but it should be managed and paid back in a sustainable way.
  • In software development, there is a need to balance speed, stability, and maintainability, and Lean code is about achieving this balance.
  • Lean code is about creating a system that is extensible, configurable, and maintainable, and that delivers value to the customer.
  • The idea of Lean code is not just about writing good code, but also about understanding the customer’s needs and delivering value to them.
  • In software development, there is a need to focus on the value that the software delivers, rather than just on the technical aspects of the code.
  • The key to Lean code is to focus on the customer’s needs, and to deliver value to them in a sustainable way.
  • Technical debt is not just a technical problem, but also a business problem that needs to be managed.
  • The idea of Lean code is not just about cutting corners, but about creating a system that is efficient, effective, and delivers value to the customer.
  • In software development, there is a need to balance speed, stability, and maintainability, and Lean code is about achieving this balance.