Marco Roth - The Future of Rails as a Full-Stack Framework powered by Hotwire - Rails World 2023

Here is the meta description: "Explore the future of Rails as a full-stack framework powered by Hotwire, covering Turbo, Stimulus, and more, with insights on the community's role in shaping the ecosystem and building reactive applications."

Key takeaways
  • Hotwire is a full-stack framework for building web applications with Rails.
  • The future of Rails as a full-stack framework is powered by Hotwire.
  • Seven default actions ship with Turbo, a library that provides a reactive interface for building web applications.
  • The community should come together to make the Hotwire ecosystem the best it can be.
  • Turbo streams and stimulus libraries have been ported over to the Hotwire ecosystem.
  • The Hotwire umbrella includes Turbolinks, which provides a way to navigate the web and makes it easier to build modern applications.
  • Hotwire is not about getting rid of JavaScript, but rather about reducing the amount of JavaScript code that needs to be written.
  • The community should create a resource hub for the Hotwire ecosystem.
  • The future of Hotwire includes frameworks, tooling, documentation, and community, all working together seamlessly.
  • Stimulus LSP provides better developer experiences and improves form validation.
  • Turbo LSP and ERB support are still being worked on.
  • The Hotwire ecosystem has the potential to build even greater things than React.
  • The community should keep moving forward and drive the ecosystem forward by investing in new tools and libraries.
  • Turbo 7.2 allows for custom stream actions, enabling more advanced use cases.
  • The Hotwire ecosystem needs to be navigated to ensure people know what’s happening in the community.
  • Hotwire has been influenced by Phoenix LiveView and the principles of Rails.
  • Rails 7 ships with Turbo and Stimulus by default.
  • Hotwire is not exclusive to Rails and is not Rails-specific.
  • Hotwire is meant to provide an abstraction layer to build reactive applications in Rails.
  • The future of Hotwire is wide and the community should come together to make the best of it.