Martin Christen: Creating 3D Maps using Python

Create 3D maps using Python with publicly available satellite imagery and elevation data, leveraging rasterio, GDAL, and wavefront OBJ format, with application in solar panel planning and global datasets.

Key takeaways

Summarized Points

  • The speaker uses publicly available satellite imagery and elevation data to create 3D maps using Python.
  • The process involves collecting data from sources like Open Knowledge Foundation, Data World, and shuttle weather topography mission (SRTM) for global datasets.
  • Rasterio is used to read geospatial rasters, and GDAL is employed to create hillshades and reproject images.
  • Elevation data is obtained from global datasets, including SRTM and Orthophotos.
  • The speaker uses Landsat and other satellite images to create extensive datasets.
  • While some data is available for free, governments often charge for it, but more are providing open data.
  • Processing large datasets can take time, and some manual examination is required.
  • The speaker recommends using the Wavefront OBJ format for 3D models and cites instances like OpenStreetMap for obtaining data.
  • Use cases include solar panel planning, with 3D mapping still being niche but advancing.
  • Processing time can be significant, but the speaker has managed to reduce it through parallel processing and other optimizations.
  • Some governments provide data in response to crises, such as conflicts, and open data is becoming more widely available.