✨ Modern editing experience for your Django models with Wagtail 🐦

Discover how Wagtail brings a modern editing experience to your Django models with features like live preview, draft state management, and customizable workflows.

Key takeaways
  • Wagtail provides a modern editing experience for Django models with features such as live preview, draft state management, and workflows.
  • Wagtail supports customizing the admin interface and preview panel for each model.
  • Draft state mix-in allows you to have changes that are not immediately reflected on your model instance.
  • Lockable mix-in prevents multiple users from editing the same instance at the same time.
  • Workflow mix-in allows you to specify a workflow for a model and assign it to a specific group or user.
  • Revisions mixin allows you to revert to a previous revision of a model instance.
  • Snippets are used for non-page models and can be registered with Wagtail.
  • Wagtail has a built-in page model that combines model and view concepts from Django into one.
  • Wagtail is open-source and built on top of Django.
  • Wagtail provides features such as scheduled publishing, moderation, and task management.
  • Wagtail allows you to customize the permissions and roles of users and groups.
  • Wagtail supports multiple preview modes and provides a detailed view for each model instance.
  • Wagtail has a tree-like structure for page organization and supports child and parent relationships.
  • Wagtail allows you to manage and track changes to model instances and provides a mini-map for quick navigation.
  • Wagtail provides a preview panel for quick previewing of changes and a live preview feature for editing instances.
  • Wagtail has a built-in search function and allows you to filter and sort instances by different criteria.
  • Wagtail provides an option for customizing the fields and methods of the admin interface.
  • Wagtail supports multiple instances of the same model and allows you to create and manage multiple instances.
  • Wagtail provides an option for customizing the workflows and tasks for each model.
  • Wagtail has a built-in migration tool for managing changes to the database schema.
  • Wagtail supports Django’s built-in admin interface and allows you to use it alongside Wagtail.