Module Magic: Multi Module Workspaces to the rescue - Sushmita Wable

Learn how to use Go modules and workspaces to simplify dependency management, speed up builds, and reduce complexity in your projects. Discover how to create a multi-module workspace and manage dependencies with ease.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker introduces the concept of multi-module workspaces and explains how they can be used to manage dependencies in a project.
  • Go modules can be used to handle dependencies, providing faster builds and reduced complexity.
  • The speaker uses an example to demonstrate how to use go work to create a workspace with multiple modules.
  • Go work is a collection of modules that can be managed together, allowing for easy testing and iteration.
  • The speaker discusses the benefits of using go work, including faster builds and reduced complexity.
  • Go work provides a way to manage dependencies and avoid conflicts between different modules.
  • The speaker explains how go work uses the go.mod file to manage dependencies and how it can be used to create a workspace with multiple modules.
  • Go work can be used to manage different versions of a dependency and provide a way to test changes without affecting the main codebase.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of testing and iteration in the development process and how go work can aid in this process.
  • Go work provides a way to see exactly what changes were made in a dependent module, making it easier to debug and test.
  • The speaker discusses the limitations of go work and the need to use it carefully, but emphasizes its benefits for large and complex projects.
  • The speaker concludes that go work is a useful tool for managing dependencies and testing changes in a project.