Navigating Django's Future: Djangonaut Space

Join Brennan as he explores the future of Django, its community, and the spaces created to support it, highlighting inclusivity, mentorship, and retention strategies for a thriving community.

Key takeaways
  • Navigating Django’s Future: The talk is about the evolution of Django, its community, and the spaces created to support it.
  • Inclusivity and Connection: The community is focused on active inclusivity and connection, recognizing that anyone can contribute without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Django Not Program: The Django Not program provides a space for people to learn, grow, and develop through mentorship, check-ins, and community support.
  • Mentorship: Mentorship is key to contributing to Django, with Brennan providing his experience as a navigator and participant in the program.
  • Retention: Retention is important, and the community is focused on keeping contributors engaged and motivated throughout their journey.
  • Learning: Learning is a continuous process, and the community is committed to providing resources and support to help contributors grow.
  • Cohorts and Navigators: The program is designed around cohorts, with navigators providing guidance and support throughout the journey.
  • Check-ins and Communication: Regular check-ins and open communication are essential to the program’s success.
  • Django Space: Django Space is a platform for the community to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects.
  • Community Support: The community is supported by grants, sponsorships, and partnerships, enabling the Django Not program to thrive.
  • Retention Metrics: The program tracks retention metrics, with 80% of participants feeling more comfortable contributing to Django after participating.
  • Next Steps: The community is committed to continuous improvement, with plans to scale the program and explore new initiatives.