Néstor Salceda – Kubernetes event abnormality detection with Falco

Learn how to detect abnormality in Kubernetes clusters using Falco, an open-source tool that monitors container activity and raises alerts on suspicious behavior, providing real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities.

Key takeaways
  • Falco is an open-source tool for detecting abnormality in Kubernetes clusters.
  • It uses system call instrumentation to monitor container activity and raise alerts when suspicious behavior is detected.
  • Falco can be integrated with other tools, such as NGINX and Kubernetes, to provide a comprehensive security solution.
  • Container images are immutable, but container runtime security is still important to prevent attacks.
  • Falco has a rule-based engine that can be extended to detect specific types of attacks.
  • The tool is designed to be highly customizable and can be used to detect a wide range of abnormal behaviors.
  • Falco has a small overhead and can be easily integrated into existing Kubernetes clusters.
  • The tool provides real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities, making it easier to respond to security threats.
  • Falco is available as an open-source project and can be contributed to by the community.
  • The tool is designed to be extensible and can be used to detect a wide range of abnormal behaviors.
  • Falco has a strong focus on trustability and can be used to detect attacks that may compromise the security of the cluster.
  • The tool provides a high level of visibility into container activity and can be used to detect attacks that may not be caught by other security tools.
  • Falco has a strong focus on usability and can be easily integrated into existing Kubernetes workflows.
  • The tool provides a high level of customization and can be used to detect a wide range of abnormal behaviors.
  • Falco has a strong focus on scalability and can be used to detect attacks in large-scale Kubernetes clusters.