Nothing for Us, Without Us; Breaking Unconscious Bias in Building Products

Break down unconscious bias in product building and learn practical steps to create inclusive products, communities, and teams, promoting diversity, equity, and innovation.

Key takeaways
  • Recognize that unconscious bias exists in all of us and can impact our decision-making processes.
  • Understand that unconscious bias can manifest in different ways, such as in language, tone, and assumptions.
  • Educate yourself about unconscious bias and its impact on your work and community.
  • Design inclusive products and communities by actively seeking and incorporating feedback from diverse perspectives.
  • Implement practical steps to mitigate unconscious bias, such as conducting diversity audits and inclusive design practices.
  • Create an inclusive and safe environment for people to flourish, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Recognize the importance of intersectionality in building diverse and inclusive communities.
  • Build diverse teams and communities that promote innovation, creativity, and collaboration.
  • Foster a sense of belonging and inclusivity by actively seeking diverse perspectives and promoting equity.
  • Encourage transparency, accountability, and continuous learning and evaluation in addressing unconscious bias.
  • Emphasize the importance of diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of life, beyond just the tech industry.
  • Take proactive steps to reduce unconscious bias in your personal and professional life.