Paula Julve – SMART ethics for devops

Explore the intersection of technology and humanity in DevOps, considering empathy, trust, autonomy, and the complex ethical decisions that shape our approaches to software development and the systems we build.

Key takeaways
  • Ethics in DevOps is not just about technology, but about people and how they interact with each other and with the system.
  • Natural language is not just about code, but about human language, and we should include empathy and understanding in our approach to ethics.
  • Smart ethics for DevOps includes considering the users, the system, and the community, and thinking about how we can make the system more manageable and reliable.
  • Trust is important, and we need to ensure that the data we collect is secure and reliable.
  • We should not just focus on the what, but also on the why, and understand the context and the motivations behind our actions.
  • Heteronomy is the idea that our behavior is determined by external factors, while autonomy is the idea that we have control over our own behavior.
  • Reflecting on our own actions and decisions is important, and we should not just focus on the technology, but also on the people involved.
  • Empathy is important, and we should try to understand the different perspectives and needs of different people.
  • Applied ethics is about making decisions that are right and just, and we should consider the long-term consequences of our actions.
  • Normative ethics is about determining what is right and wrong, and we should strive for fairness, justice, and compassion.
  • We should not oversimplify or ignore complex issues, but rather try to understand the underlying causes and find solutions that work for everyone.
  • Code reviews and testing are important, but we should also consider the human side of software development, including the users and the community.
  • We should strive to create technology that is trustworthy, reliable, and easy to use, and that respects the autonomy and diversity of its users.