Peter Schiff | CEO & Chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Cap Inc | web3 talks | Sep 29th 2022

Join Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, as he shares his expert insights on the impending economic crisis, warning of a bubble, soaring interest rates, and a sovereign debt crisis if the US doesn't change its monetary policy.

Key takeaways
  • The dollar is losing its status as a reserve currency.
  • The Federal Reserve is inflating the economy, causing a bubble and setting the stage for a crash.
  • The inflation problem will get much worse and interest rates will skyrocket.
  • The United States should have a free-market economy and let the money supply contract.
  • The government should reduce spending dramatically to reduce the national debt.
  • Gold is a better store of value than other commodities and should be used as a medium of exchange.
  • Negative interest rates will not stimulate the economy, they will only delay the inevitable.
  • Quantitative easing (QE) was a mistake and should not be used again.
  • The United States will experience a sovereign debt and currency crisis if it does not change its monetary policy.
  • The crisis will be much worse than the 2008 financial crisis.
  • The government is incentivizing people to take on debt, leading to a credit bubble.
  • Inflation is the expansion of the money supply and will lead to a decline in the purchasing power of currency.
  • The government should allow the money supply to contract, not inflate it.
  • The national debt is unsustainable and will cause a crisis.
  • The United States should have a budget surplus, not a deficit.
  • The Federal Reserve is financing the government’s spending, which is unsustainable.
  • The government should reduce its spending and reduce its reliance on central banks.
  • Gold is a better store of value than fiat currency and should be used as a medium of exchange.
  • The crisis will be much worse than most people expect.
  • The United States should have a free-market economy and let the market dictate the price of goods and services.
  • The government should reduce its involvement in the economy and let the free market work.