Protocol Buffers- A Banked Journey - Christopher Reeves

Exploring the adoption and benefits of Protocol Buffers at Banked, a company that uses this language-agnostic framework for secure, compatible, and easy-to-use data serialization, RPC, and API development.

Key takeaways
  • Protocol Buffers are a language-agnostic, language-neutral framework for serializing structured data.
  • They solve the “JSON problem” where you can’t easily represent complex, structured data.
  • The Banked company uses Protocol Buffers to represent their payment schema.
  • Protocol Buffers have clear benefits, including security, compatibility, and ease of use.
  • To generate Protocol Buffers code, you can use the protoc compiler or the buff tool.
  • The buff tool is a wrapper around protoc that makes it easier to use.
  • Protocol Buffers can be used for a variety of purposes, including data serialization, RPC, and APIs.
  • The Banked company uses Protocol Buffers to generate code for their payment service.
  • They also use Protocol Buffers to define their service contracts.
  • The Banked company has a workflow that involves generating Protocol Buffers code, linting, and code review.
  • They use GitHub Actions to automate this workflow.
  • The Banked company has a schema registry to manage their Protocol Buffers schema.
  • They use the buff tool to generate code for multiple languages.
  • The Banked company’s payment service uses Protocol Buffers to send and receive data.
  • They use the buff tool to validate their Protocol Buffers data.
  • The Banked company’s API uses Protocol Buffers to define its API contracts.
  • They use Protocol Buffers to generate code for their API clients.