Quantum Computing and the future of cryptography - Filip W.

Explore the impact of quantum computing on cryptography, including the need for post-quantum cryptography, the role of lattice-based and code-based cryptography, and the use of quantum key distribution for secure key sharing.

Key takeaways
  • Quantum computing can break symmetric encryption and challenge asymmetric encryption, making post-quantum cryptography necessary.
  • Post-quantum cryptography involves using cryptographic algorithms that are resistant to attacks by quantum computers, such as lattice-based cryptography and code-based cryptography.
  • One-time path technique provides mathematically unbreakable encryption.
  • Grover’s algorithm can be used to solve certain problems exponentially faster on a quantum computer.
  • Quantum computers can also be used to attack elliptic curve cryptography, but it requires fewer qubits and less computational power than factoring large integers.
  • Quantum key distribution can be used to securely share keys over a quantum channel.
  • The NSA is working to develop post-quantum cryptography for use in government and military communications.
  • Some companies, such as Google, are already starting to implement post-quantum cryptography in their products and services.
  • The security of a distributed key is ensured if the private key is not shared with anyone else and is never compromised.
  • Weak keys can be identified by observing the encryption process, and strong keys ensure the security of the system.
  • The key size of 2048-bit RSA is no longer considered secure and should be increased to 3072-bit or higher.