RailsConf 2023 - Hacking Your Emotional API by John Sawers

Discover how to hack your emotional API, improve emotional well-being and increase emotional intelligence by understanding and processing your feelings, and develop a toolkit to manage emotions in challenging situations.

Key takeaways
  • Hack your emotional API to improve your emotional well-being and skillset.
  • Emotions are not linear, but rather complex and dynamic; it’s essential to understand and express them.
  • The emotional API consists of four levels: level one - being aware of emotions, level two - being able to identify emotions, level three - being able to understand emotions, and level four - being able to harness emotions.
  • Use techniques such as journaling, talking to others, and acknowledging emotions to process and manage feelings.
  • Practice empathy and understanding towards yourself and others to reduce emotional complexity and increase emotional intelligence.
  • Work on your emotional toolkit, including curiosity, discipline, and fearlessness, to stay calm and focused in the face of challenging situations.
  • Don’t suppress emotions, as they can have negative effects on mental and physical health; instead, acknowledge and process them in a healthy way.
  • Manage your emotional API by understanding and acknowledging your emotions, being aware of your triggers, and practicing self-care and self-awareness.