RailsConf 2023 - How Rails fosters a diverse and competitive tech ecosystem in... by Jordan Trevino

Learn how Rails fosters a diverse and competitive tech ecosystem, and discover how small to mid-sized companies can overcome resourcing constraints to compete with big tech companies.

Key takeaways
  • Rails fosters diverse and competitive tech ecosystem
  • Antitrust legacy in the US and globally has enabled tech giants to dominate
  • Small to mid-sized companies struggle to compete due to resourcing constraints
  • Diversity is crucial for tech ecosystem to survive
  • Rails patterns (e.g., monolith, microservices) can be used to overcome resourcing constraints
  • Big tech companies use behavior modification to increase their power
  • Market power is a significant threat to competition and innovation
  • Rails community and digital cooperatives can counterbalance big tech market power
  • Systems thinking can help developers reason about complex applications
  • Rails can help simplify product development and increase product velocity
  • Resourcing constraints can hinder growth and innovation in companies
  • Diversified tech ecosystem is essential for innovation and growth
  • Small to mid-sized companies can use Rails to overcome resourcing constraints and compete with big tech companies.