Ramona Sartipi - When Design Thinking Meets Opensource | PyData Global 2023

Join Ramona Sartipi as she explores design thinking and open source, highlighting the importance of empathy and user-centered design.

Key takeaways
  • Key takeaways:
    • Design thinking is a philosophy and set of tools to help solve problems creatively, focusing on human-centered design aspect of problem solving.
    • The first step in the design thinking process is empathizing with users, understanding their pain points, and identifying opportunities for improvement.
    • An as-is scenario map is used to map and document the current user experience, understanding the user’s journey and identifying gaps, problems, and opportunities.
    • An empathy map is a tool used to help understand users or customers on a deeper level, representing the user’s thoughts, feelings, and actions.
    • Designers have a responsibility to advocate for users and build designs that meet their needs, using design thinking to solve problems.
    • The goal of design thinking is to rapidly test and validate ideas, focusing on the user’s perspective and understanding.
    • The five steps of the design thinking process are empathy, problem definition, ideation, rapid prototyping, and testing.
    • Empathy maps and as-is scenario maps are used to facilitate the design thinking process, ensuring that the focus is on the user’s needs and not just on building a solution.
    • Designers must be willing to iterate and refine their solutions based on user feedback and testing.
    • The design thinking process is iterative, and solutions may not be perfect on the first try, but rather through repeated testing and refinement.
    • The design thinking approach encourages designers to be user-focused and to advocate for users’ needs and voices.
    • Open source software can be intimidating for non-technical designers, but it provides an opportunity to design for users and advocate for their needs.