Ready for Rust • Erik Doernenburg • YOW! 2019

Discover the unique features and benefits of Rust, a systems programming language that prioritizes memory safety and concurrency, with a focus on expressiveness, performance, and ease of use, as presented by Erik Doernenburg at YOW! 2019.

Key takeaways
  • Rust is designed to be a systems programming language that provides memory safety without the need for garbage collection.
  • Rust’s ownership model ensures that each value has a single owner that is responsible for its lifetime.
  • Immutable references can be shared among multiple owners, but mutable references can only be shared with one other owner at a time.
  • Rust does not have a return keyword, and the result of the last expression in a block is the return value.
  • Rust’s syntax is concise and expressive, with a focus on avoiding unnecessary complexity.
  • The language is designed to be memory-safe and provides compile-time checking to prevent common errors such as null pointer dereferences.
  • Rust’s borrow checker enforces the ownership and borrowing rules, preventing data races and other memory safety issues.
  • The language is designed to be highly parallelizable, with built-in support for concurrency and parallelism.
  • Rust’s ownership model and borrowing system make it possible to write race-free, concurrent code without the need for locks or locks-free data structures.
  • Rust’s design provides a balance between convenience and safety, and its API is designed to be expressive and efficient.
  • Rust’s performance is comparable to that of C++ and other low-level languages, but without the need for manual memory management.
  • Rust’s IDEs and build tools, such as Cargo, are designed to simplify the development process and provide a high level of integration with the language.
  • Rust’s community is actively working on developing a wide range of libraries and frameworks, making it a viable option for a variety of applications.