Responsible AI/Ethics in AI engineering | Maria Gomez Aguirre & Priyanka Syal | LeadDev Berlin 2023


Learn how to build AI systems that are trustworthy, transparent, and accountable, from the importance of responsible AI engineering to ethical guidelines and frameworks for AI development.

Key takeaways
  • Responsible AI engineering is crucial as AI systems can have significant impact on society.
  • Engineers must think more about their role in shaping the future of testing and ensure responsible AI development.
  • The importance of data is highlighted, including the need to consider transparency, accountability, and explainability in the development process.
  • Regular testing and evaluation of AI models is crucial, including adversarial testing and bias detection.
  • Ethical considerations should be incorporated into all stages of AI development, from planning to deployment.
  • Organizations should establish clear ethical guidelines and frameworks for AI development to ensure responsible AI engineering practices.
  • Considerations for responsible AI include data privacy, data bias, explainability, accountability, and transparency.
  • Building AI systems that are trustworthy, transparent, and accountable is critical for responsible AI development.
  • Understanding the potential negative consequences of AI systems is crucial for responsible AI engineering.
  • Engineers should prioritize testing and evaluating AI models for bias and fairness.
  • The use of additional tools and techniques, such as adversarial testing and explainability frameworks, can help identify and mitigate bias in AI models.
  • Developing AI systems that are transparent and explainable is critical for ensuring trust and accountability.
  • Ethical considerations should be incorporated into all stages of AI development, including planning, design, development, and deployment.
  • Establishing clear ethical guidelines and frameworks for AI development is crucial for ensuring responsible AI engineering practices.
  • Engineers should prioritize building AI systems that are fair, transparent, and accountable to ensure responsible AI development.
  • The use of AI models can lead to biases and unfair outcomes if not properly tested and evaluated.
  • Responsible AI development requires a multidisciplinary approach, including collaboration between data scientists, ethicists, and engineers.