RubyConf 2023 - Popping Into CRuby by Jemma Issroff

Uncover the secrets of Ruby's CRuby parser and learn how to optimize code by "popping" into the Ruby compiler, exploring byte code generation and performance improvements.

Key takeaways
  • The talk “Popping into CRuby” is about understanding how Ruby works and why optimizations are important.
  • CRuby is the original Ruby parser, while Prism is a new parser developed to improve error tolerance and runtime efficiency.
  • The concept of “popping” in Ruby refers to the process of retrieving a value from the stack and using it to optimize code.
  • The talk provides an overview of how the Ruby compiler works and how it generates byte code for execution.
  • The speaker shares several examples of how popping can be used to optimize code, including removing unnecessary work, avoiding unnecessary method calls, and improving code speed.
  • The talk also discusses the challenges of implementing popping in Ruby and the trade-offs between error tolerance and performance.
  • The speaker mentions several other Ruby-related talks and initiatives, including Hack Days, WNB.rb, and Ruby Weekly.