Rust Zürisee, Dec 2022: Supercharging Zero-Copy Deserialization

Learn how Yoke, a Rust crate, uses a holistic approach to zero-copy deserialize complex data, including nested vectors and custom types, providing a safe, efficient, and customizable solution for internationalization and localization data processing.

Key takeaways
  • Rust’s ability to zero-copy deserialize is particularly useful for internationalization (i18n) and localization (L10n) data.
  • Yoke is a crate that uses a holistic approach to encode and decode data in a zero-copy way.
  • Yoke can work with nested vectors of U32s, strings, and other complex data types.
  • Yoke’s complexity is simplified by generic associated types, which make it easier to work with.
  • Yoke can be used to deserialize data in a way that’s safe and efficient, without copying data.
  • Yoke can also be used to serialize data in a way that’s safe and efficient, without copying data.
  • Yoke can work with custom types and provides a way to implement custom serialization and deserialization for those types.
  • Yoke can also be used with reference counting to replace code that’s got lifetimes.
  • Yoke’s performance is significantly better than other methods of deserialization, such as Certi-Deserialize.
  • Yoke can be used in a way that’s modular and can be customized for specific use-cases.
  • Yoke has been used in ICU4X, a modular internationalization library for Rust.
  • Yoke’s functionality is highly customizable and can be used in a way that’s specific to the needs of an application.
  • Yoke can be used to implement zero-copy serialization and deserialization for a wide range of data types.
  • Yoke’s ability to work with nested structures and references makes it a powerful tool for handling complex data.
  • Yoke’s ease of use is one of its key benefits, as it provides a simple and intuitive API for serialization and deserialization.
  • Yoke can be used to implement a wide range of formats, including JSON, postcard, bin code, and XML.
  • Yoke’s performance is highly dependent on the size of the data being serialized or deserialized.
  • The exact costs of using Yoke are difficult to calculate, as they depend on a variety of factors, including the size and complexity of the data being serialized or deserialized.
  • Yoke can be used to implement a wide range of use cases, including format strings, date and time formats, and more.