Ryan Carniato - SolidJS - SolidStart - DevWorld 2024

Discover how SolidJS and SolidStart empower developers to build fast, flexible, and scalable web applications with any router, including React, Next.js, and more, with easy API route implementation and strong type checking.

Key takeaways
  • Solid is built on primitives and allows for any router to be exported.
  • SolidStart is a meta framework that can be used with any router.
  • It’s possible to have a route export for any router, including react-router, next.js, or Create React App.
  • SolidStart is designed to be opinionated, but not too much, to avoid getting in the way.
  • The library is built on the same building blocks as the end users, making it lightweight and flexible.
  • SolidStart allows for easy implementation of API routes and lazy loading.
  • It’s possible to use SolidStart with TypeScript and get strong type checking.
  • The framework is designed to work well with unstorage and caching.
  • SolidStart has a small footprint and can be used with any existing infrastructure.
  • It’s possible to use SolidStart with React, but it’s not required.
  • SolidStart allows for easy deployment to various platforms, including Netlify, Vercel, Cloudflare, and AWS.
  • The framework is designed to be low-level enough to not be concerned with the layers above it.
  • It’s possible to use SolidStart with existing components and infrastructure.