Ryan Dahl - State of Deno - DevWorld 2024

Join Ryan Dahl at DevWorld 2024 to learn about Deno's improvements to the developer experience and its future roadmap.

Key takeaways
  • Deno is trying to move forward and improve the developer experience.
  • JavaScript is designed to work with NPM and not against it.
  • A new module registry, JSR, is being introduced to improve the situation.
  • One True Date is an example of a package being published on JSR.
  • JSR takes care of distribution and requires GitHub login for publishing.
  • It is a public service meant to be maximally useful and provides auto-generated documentation.
  • JSR encourages best practices and provides a package scoring system.
  • The focus is on ESM (ECMAScript modules) and TypeScript.
  • NPM is old and needs to move forward with ESM and TypeScript support.
  • JSR is designed to be a modern registry for JavaScript packages.
  • It is easy to consume packages on JSR and provides better auditability.
  • The web and JavaScript are becoming increasingly complex and require better developer experiences.
  • Deno is a more modern and cleaner alternative to Node.
  • Vite is a modern development tool that works well with Deno.
  • A package can depend on NPM packages on JSR.
  • The future of JavaScript development is focused on ESM, TypeScript, and modern tools.
  • JSR is designed to be a community-driven registry.
  • The author encourages feedback and improvement.