SAINTCON 2016 - Troy Jessup (Jup1t3r) - Closing Ceremonies and Awards

"Join Troy Jessup as he wraps up SAINTCON 2016, honoring confidentiality and security, awarding teams for their hacking endeavors, and revealing plans for future expansion and opportunities."

Key takeaways

Conference Recap

  • Confidentiality and Black Badges: Introduced the concept of black badges, which symbolize confidentiality and security.
  • SAINTCON Awards: Awarded teams who participated in various challenges, including the tamper evident challenge, password cracking competition, and more.
  • Volunteer Appreciation: Showcased appreciation for volunteers who contributed to the conference, including the Lockpick Village, Hacking Village, and more.
  • Expanding Opportunities: Announced plans to expand opportunities for attendees, including the addition of more challenges and competitions.
  • Black Badge Trophy: Revealed the black badge trophy, which represents the ultimate prize for SAINTCON participants.
  • Recognition of Committee Members: Recognized committee members for their hard work and dedication to the conference.
  • Expansion of Hacking Village: Announced the expansion of the Hacking Village, providing more opportunities for attendees to engage in hacking and cybersecurity related activities.
  • Password Cracking Competition: Revealed the winners of the password cracking competition, including Chunk and Nae Nae.
  • Gratitude and Appreciation: Showcased gratitude and appreciation for attendees, organizers, and sponsors who contributed to the success of the conference.