SAINTCON 2023 - Morgan Thomas - Becoming A Space Pirate

As cybersecurity threats in space become increasingly pervasive, learn how to think like pirates to secure satellite systems, navigate vulnerabilities, and adapt to the ever-changing environment of space exploration.

Key takeaways
  • Space is a vast domain that is vulnerable to attacks, with an increasing number of satellites being launched into orbit.
  • Satellites have inherent vulnerabilities due to their remote nature and resource limitations.
  • Cybersecurity professionals need to be aware of international and domestic laws, such as the Liability Convention and Registration Convention, that govern satellite operations.
  • Space pirates, rogue satellite operators, and malicious hacking groups are a concern, with some groups able to exploit vulnerabilities and disrupt satellite communications.
  • Satellites have unique characteristics that distinguish them from traditional networks, including limited power, bandwidth, and storage, making them vulnerable to attack.
  • Space is a dynamic, ever-changing environment with new players and technologies emerging, requiring constant adaptability from cybersecurity professionals.
  • Education and training are essential for understanding the complexities of space and satellite cybersecurity, with resources such as the Space ISAC and academic programs available.
  • Satellites require specific knowledge sets and cannot be turned on and off like traditional networks, requiring a deep understanding of their operation and vulnerabilities.
  • Cybersecurity professionals need to think like pirates, exploring new territories and understanding the ecosystem, to effectively secure satellite systems.
  • The flight software that controls satellites is a critical component, requiring specific knowledge sets and being vulnerable to attack.
  • Space debris is a growing concern, with a need for responsible satellite operations to prevent collisions and ensure the long-term sustainability of space exploration.