Simple Functional Effects with Tag Unions • Richard Feldman • YOW! 2022

Simple functional effects with tag unions, simplifying error handling and pattern matching in programming, including ROC and Rust implementations.

Key takeaways
  • Tag unions in ROC are used to simplify error handling and pattern matching.
  • They can be used to track the different effects of an operation and accumulate errors.
  • Anonymous subtypes can be used to create new types that are not declared explicitly.
  • Pattern matching can be used to check for exhaustiveness and ensure that all possible cases are handled.
  • The question mark operator can be used to short circuit early returns in pattern matching.
  • Tag unions can have payloads and anonymous subtypes can be used to create new types.
  • The pipe syntax can be used to chain operations together and verify that the result is what is expected.
  • The task type is similar to the result type in Rust, but it can be used to track the different effects of an operation and accumulate errors.
  • Error accumulation works by associating each error with an error type, which allows errors to be tracked and reported.
  • Error handling can be simplified by using tag unions and pattern matching.
  • The map function can be used to map over a collection of errors and accumulate them.
  • The await operator can be used to wait for the result of an operation before proceeding.
  • The tags concept in ROC is used to track the different effects of an operation and accumulate errors.
  • The task type can be used to track the different effects of an operation and accumulate errors.
  • The pipe syntax can be used to chain operations together and verify that the result is what is expected.
  • The match statement can be used to check for exhaustiveness and ensure that all possible cases are handled.
  • The result type in Rust can be used to track the different effects of an operation and accumulate errors.
  • Error handling can be simplified by using the result type in Rust.
  • The map function can be used to map over a collection of errors and accumulate them.
  • The await operator can be used to wait for the result of an operation before proceeding.
  • The tags concept in ROC is used to track the different effects of an operation and accumulate errors.
  • The task type can be used to track the different effects of an operation and accumulate errors.
  • The pipe syntax can be used to chain operations together and verify that the result is what is expected.
  • The match statement can be used to check for exhaustiveness and ensure that all possible cases are handled.
  • Error handling can be simplified by using the match statement.
  • The simple syntax can be used to simplify error handling and pattern matching.
  • The tag concept in ROC is used to track the different effects of an operation and accumulate errors.