Tutorials - Patrick Arminio: Build a production ready GraphQL API using Python

Build a production-ready GraphQL API using Python, covering query language, authentication, authorization, pagination, and more with Patrick Arminio's tutorial.

Key takeaways
  • Use GraphQL as a query language for APIs.
  • Build a production-ready GraphQL API using Python.
  • Implement authentication and authorization using the authenticate function.
  • Use the DataLoader library to handle paginated queries.
  • Implement a connection type to handle connections between queries.
  • Use the Python typings syntax to define types.
  • Implement a generic type to create reusable types.
  • Use the Schema class to define a GraphQL schema.
  • Implement a mutation type to handle mutations.
  • Use the create function to create new objects.
  • Implement a query type to handle queries.
  • Use the fetch function to fetch data from a database.
  • Implement a batch type to handle batches of queries.
  • Use the Soraya library to validate types and enforce schema constraints.
  • Implement a union type to handle unions of types.
  • Use the fragment syntax to define fragments of a type.
  • Implement a /coercion step in GraphQL to convert types compatible to one another.
  • Use the graphql library to create a GraphQL API.
  • Implement a mutation that allows you to change type.
  • Use the generic type to create reusable types.
  • Implement a union type to handle unions of types.
  • Use the fragment syntax to define fragments of a type.
  • Implement a /coercion step in GraphQL to convert types compatible to one another.
  • Use the graphql library to create a GraphQL API.
  • Implement a mutation that allows you to change type.
  • Use the generic type to create reusable types.