Speed up your CI & Save the Environment | Juri Strumpflohner | ViteConf 2022

Speed up your continuous integration (CI) and reduce your environmental impact with distributed caching, task scheduling, and Monrepos, the scalable caching solution used by Vite and Angular.

Key takeaways
  • Speed up CI and save the environment by using distributed caching and task scheduling.
  • Nxcloud provides a centralized point for caching and task execution, enabling distributed caching across agents and machines.
  • Use Monrepos to speed up builds and testing by caching and reusing intermediate results.
  • Nx plugins, such as nx affected and nx build, help find and run only affected tasks, reducing computation time.
  • With caching, tasks can be run in parallel, significantly improving speed and efficiency.
  • Nx provides a scalable Monrepo solution, supporting multiple agents and machines.
  • Monrepos can help reduce build times, especially for large projects, by caching and reusing intermediate results.
  • Nx provides advanced caching features, including cache manipulation and update tracking.
  • Nxcloud is used by companies like Vite and Angular to speed up their CI and testing processes.
  • Monrepos can help reduce energy consumption by reducing computation time and running tasks in parallel.
  • Nx aims to make Monrepos more approachable and maintainable, making it easier to adopt and integrate.