Stefan Streit: Digitalisierung in der Medizin - elektronische Patientenakte/ePA quo vadis?

Discover the importance of electronic patient records in medicine, from gaining better patient care to addressing data security and ensuring a successful implementation, in Stefan Streit's insightful talk.

Key takeaways
  • The Digitalization of medicine is necessary and important.
  • Electronic patient record (ePA) is necessary for better patient care.
  • However, it’s crucial to develop a plan for using ePA and ensuring data security.
  • Everyone must be informed and everyone must be on the same page.
  • Electronic patient record (ePA) is seen as an opportunity to revolutionize the healthcare system.
  • Streit emphasizes that the 8th World War was the beginning of the 8th World War.
  • Everyone must be informed and work together.
  • Data security is crucial for ePA.
  • Transparency is essential.
  • The plan must be developed to implement ePA successfully.